Document Details

Document Type : Article In Conference 
Document Title :
تحليل الصدام الامامي للسيارات بهدف تحسين امان السياره.
Subject : Automotive Crash Simulation 
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Front bumper system in automotive serves mainly two functions. First, to minimize intrusion during crash and the second is to assure pedestrian safety. A good bumper design would try to fulfill these two functions while maintaining its weight to a lowest possible to enhance fuel consumption. In this paper, we try to add to these two functions, a new condition, that is the ability to maintain the minimum possible permanent plastic damage during low speed crashes. This would improve both the crashworthiness of the bumper and the pedestrian safety. We try to fulfill this condition by assuring that the bumper deformations stay close to the elastic range. Due to the narrow range of elastic deformation of the bumper regarding a crash scenario, even at low speeds, we try to supplement it with a visco-elastic process. This is achieved by substituting the brackets that connect the bumper to the car structure elements with a spring-dashpot system that provides the desired visco-elastic response, allowing the bumper beam to deform mostly elastically. Investigation of the spring-dashpot system parameters is carried out through finite element analysis to reach the optimum configuration that ensure absence of plastic deformations in the bumper structure at low speed of 5 miles/hour crash. The effect of varying the thickness of the bumper beam is also investigated in this regard. A simplified parametric finite element model of the Ford Crown Victoria bumper form is used in several crash simulations that are carried with the explicit dynamics system LS-DYNA3D to test the validity of this bumper system. 
Conference Name : International conference on innovative Technologies 
Duration : From : 1 Sept. AD - To : 3 Sept. AD 
Publishing Year : 1432 AH
2011 AD
Number Of Pages : 6 
Article Type : Article 
Conference Place : Austria / Vienna / Solvakia 
Organizing Body : In-Tech 
Added Date : Tuesday, April 8, 2014 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
د./ أحمد زكريا سالمSalem, Dr. Ahmed

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